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Authors Index

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Authors Index

A list of all of the authors featured at American Literature, organized alphabetically by last name (by row, left to right) so that you can find your favorite authors' stories, novels, poems and essays easily. Or use the "search" box above; mobile users should open the menu to access the search function.

Abbott, Eleanor Hallowell

Abdullah, Achmed

Adams, Andy

Ade, George


Akhmatova, Anna

Alcott, Louisa May

Aldrich, Thomas Bailey

Alger, Horatio

Alighieri, Dante

Altsheler, Joseph A.

Andersen, Hans Christian

Anderson, Sherwood

Andreyev, Leonid

Angelou, Maya


Appleton, Victor


Arthur, T.S.

Asbjornsen, Peter

Asimov, Isaac

Assis, Joaquim Maria Machado de

Atherton, Gertrude

Atwood, Margaret

Auden, W.H.

Aumonier, Stacy

Austen, Jane

Bai, Li

Baldwin, James

Ballou, Sullivan

Balzac, Honore de

Barbour, Ralph Henry

Barr, Robert

Barrie, James M.

Barton, Clara

Basho, Matsuo

Bastiat, Fr茅d茅ric

Bates, Katharine

Baum, L. Frank

Beach, Rex Ellingwood

Bell, Nancy

Bellamy, Edward

Bellamy, Francis

Bennett, Arnold

Benson, Edward

Benson, Robert Hugh

beresford, John

Berlin, Irving

Bierce, Ambrose

Bj酶rnson, Bj酶rnstjerne

Blackmore, R. D.

Blackwood, Algernon

Blaisdell, Albert

Blake, William

Boccaccio, Givoanni

Boswell, James

Bradbury, Ray

Brady, Loretta

Brittain, Vera

Bronte, Emily

Bronte, Charlotte

Brown, Fredric

Browning, Robert

Browning, Elizabeth

Bryant, William

Buck, Pearl

Bunin, Ivan

Bunner, Henry

Bunyan, John

Burnett, Frances Hodgson

Burns, Robert

Burr, Amelia

Burroughs, Edgar Rice

Butler, Ellis

Byron, Lord

Capote, Truman

Carroll, Lewis

Carryl, Guy

Carver, Raymond

Cather, Willa

Cavendish, Margaret

Cervantes, Miguel de

Chambers, George F.

Chambers, Robert

Chaucer, Geoffrey

Chekhov, Anton

Chesnutt, Charles W.

Chesterton, G.K.

Chittenden, Gerald

Chopin, Kate

Christie, Agatha

Clarke, Marcus

Cohan, George

Coleridge, Samuel

Coleridge, Sara

Collins, William Wilkie

Collodi, Carlo

Comer, Cornelia


Connell, Richard

Conrad, Joseph

Cooke, Grace MacGowan

Cooper, James Fenimore

Cope, Wendy

Crane, Stephen

Crevecoeur, J. Hector St. John de

Crompton, Richmal

Dahl, Roald

Davis, Richard Harding

Defoe, Daniel

Dell, Ethel M.

De Quincey, Thomas

De Vere, Aubrey

Dick, Philip

Dickens, Charles

Dickinson, Emily

Donahey, William

Donne, John

Dos Passos, John

Dostoevsky, Fyodor

Douglass, Frederick

Dowson, Ernest

Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan

Dreiser, Theodore

Du Bois, W.E.B.

Dumas, Alexandre

Dumas fils, Alexandre

Dunbar, Paul Laurence

Dunbar-Nelson, Alice

Dyer, Walter

Eaton, Edit Maude

Edwards, Jonathan

Edwards, Amelia Ann Blanford

Eliot, T. S.

Eliot, George

Emerson, Ralph Waldo

Emmett, Daniel

Equiano, Olaudah

Everett-Green, Evelyn

Faulkner, William

Ferber, Edna

Fillmore, Parker

Fisher, Dorothy

Fitzgerald, F. Scott

FitzGerald, Edward

Flaubert, Gustave

Foote, Mary Hallock

Ford, Ford

Forster, Edward

Fox, George

Franklin, Benjamin

Franklin, Miles

Freeman, Mary E. Wilkins

Freeman, Richard

Frost, Robert

Fuller, Margaret

Gale, Zona

Galsworthy, John

Gannett, Ruth

Garshin, Vsevolod

Gaskell, Elizabeth

Ghosal, Swarnakumari

Gibran, Kahlil

Gilman, Charlotte Perkins

Gilmore, Patrick

Gissing, George

Glaspell, Susan

Gogol, Nikolai Vasilievich

Goose, Mother

Gordon, Elizabeth

Gorky, Maxim

Goudiss, C. Houston

Grahame, Kenneth

Grant, Ulysses

Graves, Robert

Grey, Zane

Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm

Guthrie, Woody

Hale, Edward Everett

Haley, William

Hamilton, Alexander

Hardy, Thomas

Harper, Francis

Harte, Bret

Harvey, William Fryer

Hawthorne, Nathaniel

Hearn, Lafcadio

Hemingway, Ernest

Henry, O.

Herford, Oliver

Herrick, Robert

Herrick, Robert Welch

Hesse, Hermann

Higgins, Violet Moore

Hoffmann, Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Amadeus

Holmes, Mary Jane

Holmes, Oliver


Hopkins, Livingston

Housman, A. E.

Howe, Julia

Howells, William Dean

Hughes, Louis

Hughes, Langston

Hugo, Victor

Hunter, Evan

Hurston, Zora

Huxley, Aldous

Ibsen, Henrik

Irving, Washington

Jackson, Shirley

Jacobs, W. W.

Jacobs, Joseph

James, Henry

James, Grace

James, Montague Rhodes

Janvier, Francis

Jefferson, Thomas

Jerome, Jerome K.

Jewett, Sarah Orne

Joyce, James

Kafka, Franz

Keats, John

Kellogg, E.E.

Kerouac, Jack

Key, Francis

Kielland, Alexander

Kilmer, Joyce

King, Martin Luther

Kingsley, Charles

Kipling, Rudyard

Kronheim, Joseph Martin

Kuprin, Aleksandr

Lampton, William

Landon, Perceval

Lardner, Ring

Laughead, W.B.

Lawrence, D. H.

Lawson, Henry

Lazarus, Emma

Leacock, Stephen

Lear, Edward

Lee, Harper

Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan

Leopardi, Giacomo

Leroux, Gaston

Lewis, Clive Staples

Lewis, Sinclair

Lincoln, Natalie Sumner

Locke, John

Lofting, Hugh

London, Jack

Long, Julius

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

Loon, Henrik

Lovecraft, H. P.

Lowell, James

Lucretius, Titus

Machen, Arthur

Machiavelli, Niccolo

Madison, James

Mansfield, Katherine

Marquez, Gabriel Garcia

Martin, George

Maugham, William Somerset

Maupassant, Guy de

McCrae, John

McRoberts, Walter

Melville, Herman

Mencken, H.L.

Merimee, Prosper

Miles, George

Mill, John Stuart

Milne, A.A.

Milton, John

Moliere, Jean-Baptiste

Montgomery, Lucy Maud

Moore, Thomas

Morrow, W.C.

Munro (SAKI), H.H.

Nabokov, Vladimir

Nesbit, Edith

Nietzsche, Friedrich

Nightingale, Florence

Nights, Arabian

Norris, Frank

Norris, Kathleen

Northup, Solomon

Norton, Caroline

O'Brien, Fitz-James

O'Connor, Flannery

O'Flaherty, Liam

O'Keefe, James

O'Neill, Eugene

Orwell, George

Ovid, Publius

Owen, Wilfred

Page, Thomas Nelson

Paine, Thomas

Parker, Dorothy

Paterson, Banjo

Peattie, Elia W.

Pepys, Samuel

Perrault, Charles

Phelps, Elizabeth

Pierson, Clara


Poe, Edgar Allan

Polidori, John

Pope, Alexander

Porter, Katherine

Post, Melville Davisson

Potter, Beatrix

Pound, Ezra

Prevost, Marcel

Pushkin, Alexsander

Pyle, Howard

Quiller-Couch, Arthur

Rand, Ayn

Richards, Laura E.

Rickford, Katherine

Riley, James

Riley, James

Rinehart, Mary Roberts

Roe, Edward Payson

Root, George

Rosenberg, Isaac

Rowling, J.K.

Russell, Bertrand

Saha, Arnaba

Salinger, J.D.

Sandburg, Carl

Sayers, Dorothy

Scott, Walter

Semyonov, S.T.

Sewell, Anna

Shakespeare, William

Shaw, Bernard

Shelley, Percy Bysshe

Shelley, Mary

Sherman, Harold

Shiel, Matthew Phipps

Shorter, Dora

Sinclair, Upton

Smith, Adam

Smith, Clark

Smith, Samuel


Sousa, John

Sowell, Thomas

Spofford, Harriet

Spyri, Johanna

Steele, Wilbur Daniel

Stein, Gertrude

Steinbeck, John

Stephenson, Carl

Stevenson, Robert Louis

Stine, Robert

Stockton, Frank

Stoker, Bram

Stowe, Harriet Beecher

Strachey, Lytton

Stratemeyer, Edward

Stuart, Jesse

Stuart, Ruth

St. Vincent Millay, Edna

Sweetser, Kate Dickinson

Swift, Jonathan

Syrett, Netta

Tagore, Rabindranath

Tarbell, Ida

Tarkington, Newton Booth

Teasdale, Sara

Tennyson, Alfred

Thackeray, William Makepeace

Thayer, Ernest Lawrence

Thomas, Dylan

Thoreau, Henry David

Tocqueville, Alexis

Tolkien, John Ronald Reuel

Tolstoy, Leo

Tolstoy, Alexei

Travers, Pamela

Trollope, Anthony

Tupper, Tristram

Turgenev, Ivan S.

Turner, Ethel

Twain, Mark

Tzu, Sun

van Dyke, Henry

Verne, Jules

Voltaire, None

Vonnegut, Kurt

Wallace, Edgar

Walpole, Horace

Washington, Booker T.

Weaver, Louise Bennett

Wells, H.G.

Wells, Ida

Wharton, Edith

Wharton, Anne Hollingsworth

Wheatley, Phillis

White, E.B.

White, Stewart Edward

Whitman, Walt

Whittier, John

Widdemer, Margaret

Wiggin, Kate Douglas

Wilcox, Ella

Wilde, Oscar

Williams, William Carlos

Williams, Margery

Wodehouse, P. G.

Wolff, Tobias

Wollstonecraft, Mary

Woolf, Virginia

Wordsworth, William

Wynne, Madeline

Wyss, Johann David

Yeats, William Butler

Yezierska, Anzia

Yonge, Charlotte M.

Zola, Emile






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